Does it seem lately that we are living in a mad world? Has goodness in mankind finally run its course? Can gas prices go any higher????? Now we all know how philosphical hairdressers are (wink) so it would only make sense that we try and save the world. It seems like clients more and more are coming in stressed out, losing hair, losing jobs, losing spouses, losing their minds, you get it. A half hour in our chair and wala! You should be cured right? I firmly believe that all the worlds problems can be solved with a little teasing and hairspray. Call me naive- Maybe The White House should have more hairdressers on hand when making new policies and big decisions. Well... maybe they should. On a serious note- what's with everyone lately? I've always heard life is supposed to be enjoyed. So are you enjoying it? Don't get me wrong, if gas prices get any higher you might be seeing me around town on a vespa wearing a papoose. I get annoyed with bad customer service and people texting while driving, but I don't want to miss all the good things. The things I have no control over I try to let go. It gets in the way of things and people I like. The saying stop to smell the roses pertains to everyone- not just the freakishly positive ( no laughing). I believe there's more good in the world than bad. I believe we all deserve a happy home and life, but I also believe that if you don't have those things you can be happy starting with just you. So friends, clients, wherever you are, how happy you are, here's to you - sip- that's me sipping a little pinot to you ;)
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